
world news

Boston Marathon 2013 – Is God absent?

This is a very tough question because our fleshly reality, our material sense of things would say, yes definitely -- and furthermore, evil is very present and active.  There was one man who walked this earth and lived among the evils of this world and yet proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that evil does not have the power or presence it appears to have. The man I'm talking about was Christ Jesus.

God’s promises to Egypt

I read a Bible Lesson every day that helps bring inspiration to me. I couldn’t help but notice this wonderful comforting message regarding God’s children in Egypt in this week’s Bible Lesson titled “Soul.”

Prayer can help in Egypt

Some feel there is nothing we can do but just wait it out and see what happens in Egypt. But our prayers can truly help quell the violence erupting there -- help to bring intelligence and wisdom and peace to this volatile situation. Where do we start?

Haiti and God

There’s an interesting discussion responding to comments that have been made saying in essence that what happened in Haiti was the wrath of God or God’s punishment to the Haitian people, for the voodoo or other sins they have committed.