
Physical Healing

Flu – Annihilated by God’s Power

In the Bible we find so many wonderful promises to us, God’s children. The prophet Jeremiah caught a sense of our divine Father-Mother’s love for each of us when God told him, “I will cause them to dwell safely: And they shall be my people, and I will be their God:

God and Flu

It is interesting to think about these two things together. Actually they don’t go together—at all! It would be like putting light and darkness together. We can’t have light and darkness in the same place any more than we can have God and the flu in the same place. So is God absent?

Burn on leg healed

When I was in junior high school I went for a ride on the back of my brother’s 250cc Honda, which I loved to do. When I went to get off the motorcycle, I slid off on the side with the hot exhaust pipes. You can imagine that when my inner leg hit that exhaust pipe