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An amazing benefit of knowing about Christian Science

I have a feeling that most of us who have been practicing Christian Science (the teachings and viewpoint of Jesus) for awhile, take for granted the freedom we have to think of ourselves as pure and holy and good and lovely, absolutely beautiful and amazing, talented and creative.  In truth we are all these things.  We can take a virtual shower in all Godlike qualities such as patience and perseverance, inspiration and intuition, harmony, peace, bliss, happiness and satisfaction.  In truth we express all these things, possessing and expressing all these qualities naturally as the outcome and essence of God who is Life and Mind and Love and Soul.  The world — that which we perceive with the five physical senses —would convince us of just the opposite if we allow it.

Jesus proved, and many of us are proving daily that we have the right to know ourselves this way and stick to it and live it the very best we can and let this transform us to be it.   It has made a huge difference in my life and it can in yours too.

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